Welcome to Chandler's Barber Shop in Forney, Texas

Come on by Chandler's Barber Shop at 203 W. Broad St. in downtown Forney, possibly the only tonsorial facility around with a drive-up teller's window (sorry, all haircuts are done inside).

Chandler's will be closed Dec. 25-27, and Jan. 1-3.

This is a non-smoking (and non-vaping) full-service barbershop.

In addition to sculpting your hair, Dan and Diane are ready to provide hot-lather shaves for your face, as well as full-head shaves. They can also trim up your beards, mustaches and eyebrows.

Chandler's Barber Shop accepts Cash, Checks and Credit Cards. Hours of operation are Tue - Fri 7:30 - 6, and Sat 7:30 - 2.